Year End Qualifications 

To Qualify for year end awards at AVDR you must: 

1. Riders must be an AVDR member in good standing.

2. Riders must compete in at least 42 regular rides during the season. 

PeeWee riders are required to complete a total of 35 rides over the entirety of the season.

3. Riders must volunteer (or have a representative volunteer) at least one half of

one event per show throughout the show season. 

For more information please read our rule book. 

2023/2024 Membership

Current Member Standing

This is the current list of members for this season at AVDR 

Riders are responsible for tracking their ride counts and their volunteering!!

Rider Qualifications

Year End Qualifications

This is the excel sheet showing your ride counts, membership, and volunteer numbers. 

To qualify for year end awards: 

All these things can be found on the summary page, or broken down on individual tabs that you can see on the bottom of the pagge.